Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Book Challenge!!

My sis and me have started a year book challenge. She says she wants to read 16 book for the challenge,and I want to read 63. If you readers want to join us with our book challenge, which started yesterday, the rules are two mangas count as one book, no kid books, and it has to be over 100 pages. Also, if publishers or authors want to send me books for me to review my email is to contact me about sending books. Thanks for reading. Tomorrow or today I will put a review of a book up. Thanks!!!! :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Blog!!!!

This is a new blog that will do book reviews and just talk about books. I will try to do book reviews on new books, but that is only when I have money to get new releases. I will try to do a lot of reviews every week. I hope that my blog will work out and hopefully become succesful. Soon I am going to add my yearly book challenge that I will start today. I am hoping to read at least 60 books this year.